Visions: A Sullivan+Strumpf Podcast
Co-directed by Ursula Sullivan and Joanna Strumpf, the gallery operates a dynamic exhibition program representing over 40 artists and estates across its Sydney and Melbourne spaces, as well as its itinerant programming in Singapore and London. Regularly consulting to major public and private museums, Sullivan+Strumpf acts in an advisory capacity to public and private collections internationally.
With diverse, innovative and progressive programming with currently over 25 exhibitions annually, extensive public talks and publishing, including a bi-monthly magazine, and a recently re-ignited global art fair schedule, the gallery has helped foster and grow the careers of some of the most significant contemporary artists in Australia, Southeast Asia and beyond.
Visions: A Sullivan+Strumpf Podcast
Alex Seton — The Ghost of Wombeyan
There is an intrinsic link between place and identity - who we are, is to a large extent determined by our environment.
Alex Seton’s unusual upbringing around a marble quarry not far from the Wombeyan Caves in New South Wales, Australia has shaped him at least as much as he has shaped the limestone that comes from it.
Seton’s award winning sculptural works, hewn from solid marble are a love letter to this upbringing and the material he has worked with his whole life. His sculptures are a paradox, rendering an inherently hard material soft, and can also be viewed as an allegory to Australia’s mineral resource wealth and exploitation.
In this podcast, recorded in the lead-up to his latest exhibition at Sullivan+Strumpf gallery, Meet Me Under the Dome, Seton chats about his work and his upbringing with 2022 Adelaide Biennial Curator, Sebastian Goldspink. As Seton says, “there are things that form you and shape you...”
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